Josh: "I accidentally drank Drano when I was a kid"
Moses: "And you survived?!?!"
Josh: "No Moses. I died."
He has over 14 years experience with Microsoft SQL Server 2000, 2005 ~ resume
Make today end.... And I will give you money! ~Joey
You can't drink ice. Well if you wait.... ~Kyle
Wait a minute, your name is actually... Moses. Like part the red sea Moses. ~Joey
You will feel for this! ~Moses
In our infinite wisdom, we rolled on a Friday. ~Greg
I am not impossible to learning! ~Mike
"ommunicatin" <- official installer release - Hal
That should just work! ~Mike
Carl: ...this from the Preacher!
Duke: I didn't say I was a good one.
It rains all the time here except for about 3 months in August. --- Kyle